@theodore's Tribunal Thread

do you believe i would actually say that someone should kill themselves?

believable honestly

no it read as a rhetorical hypothetical "What if you were the exception", instead of some invisible 30 post call-back about your own thoughts on me with no context whatsoever.

ill ask you again
do you believe i would actually say that someone should kill themselves, in any earnest manner?

????????? Do you not see how what I said means no? In fact, the first word of that post you just responded to is "no"

Now do you still believe that I am "le Psychopath" (Which is not a real thing, more like a video game character trait)? After all is said and done?

I am not ok with being called that.

What in the projecting gaslighting

Some of the most powerful men in history were psychopaths

One example, Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

It's just a reddit term to define anyone they don't like. It's no different than calling someone a nazi or pedophile.

I am not a nazi or a pedophile.

Ellen and oprah probably fall into this category

I'm still waiting for an apology.

youre the psychopath here!

I've been manipulated by the psycho.

played like a fiddle

crushed like an Amp

You were typing for four minutes

you know whats psycophatic? lying about your mother being "human trafficked" to get drug money

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Yes. We all know you watch and fuck with you