@theodore's Tribunal Thread

Keep simping for celebrities.

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I don’t simp for celebrities

I simp for nonreductive statements..

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Reduce my dick size from 11 inches to 8 inches

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For example 50% of people are women. I don’t trust women (personal reasons) but I don’t think your average one isn’t nearly as heinous as your average male child content creator

I trust all women

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Stop distracting me. Im doing stokes theorem

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Who cares dude we all already took calc 3

Undistracted no doubt

All video game developers then

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False. It wasn't long after I dropped my applied mathematics double major. I'm done learning math-- for life

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Not even pure math!

Thats embarassing

Don’t look @_jdance ’s post history

Embarrassing? I can make graphs in four different languages


name your tools of choice pls

seaborn, ggplot2, PROC SGPLOT, Plots.jl. You need a graph? These will give you a graph


Dont need a graph

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Oh word? Just looked over the Stokes' section in Stewart's. Graphs.

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"Abugggfuhhhh uuhghhhh fuck programming fuck graphs theo math for life" WE GET IT you're unemployable