@theodore's Tribunal Thread

Remove womens right to vote

yeah buddy maybe try using the larson book and you'd be less ■■■■■■■■

I swear to god if I look at the vector calculus chapter and see a graph

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Found some old flash cards

Forgot all of it

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no bro its really useful is wear

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these ur dudes?

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Needs a 4th dimension in the direction my penis is facing

Anyone remember when Casey got Jing banned by beating him in a SF solo mid game?



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rigged election. this election was stolen. ive been told by the very best that this election was stolen. you will all see in 2025.

? no shit ive been saying for years im stealing this shit

i find it hard to believe that only two people voted for my execution. 8 to 2? that is not a believable outcome. this was clearly rigged.

i've had like 8 tribunals all lead by different people. numerous revolts against me and this is the supposed outcome?! rigged elections

is this casey?

These fake posts are not going to get you any donations. Give up.

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this forum is your life. enjoy it at least

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At least I have a life.

Honestly I'd rather be human trafficked than live a day in your shoes.

my account is as old as this website is and youre on like your 10th? 20th? how many has it been? yet your read posts/posts/etc. are like 10x mine.

this forum IS your life.

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You will never be happy.