@theodore's Tribunal Thread

great retort bud

You will never, ever, be happy.

40.7k posts read

40.7 lbs gained.


great retort bud

You will never recover from this humiliation.

oh no goyclub teamspeak is gonna make fun of me oh no

Yeah im not going to get into it here

Whats up with the people who actually have no job or education telling people that they use the site too much? Its not hard to read the site inbetween doing productive things

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The unemployed and homeless will inherit the Earth soon just as the scriptures foretold

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I know seth

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projection, your honor

its weird that you only scrutinize the side that's "telling people they use the site too much.." when the people they are telling are just as jobless or uneducated - so what is your point?

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Maybe it’s constructive criticism and he is offering advice the best way he knows how :hearts:

Not sure. But i argue anyways

what do you think it means?

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Look. Tywin has been the closest thing I’ve had to an ally on this website so far and I’m not about to mess that up. We can circle back to this later on should my current situation change.


Dont know who u r, but you def seem like a ■■■■■■■■■■■

Point proven.

You only have 2O forum badges and none of them occupy your 2 available favorite slots. Rookie stuff.