@theodore's Tribunal Thread

I'm dumb? No, you're projecting.

Don't try to gaslight me for breaking some sort of invisible honor code by being too mean towards Kyle.
Nobody is "projecting" anything, you're overthinking and strawmanning things as usual. You don't have to comment on these things!

espousing that someone will never be happy because they don't agree with you is projection

calling people ghey doesn't mean youre projecting but it does mean your brain is 2bit (you are dumb)

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so you're admitting to blatant psychopathy? interesting.


Here, I'll give you a post analysis:

My post here means: "You should stop attention seeking to regain forum clout, it's not going to work. Your reputation is ruined and nobody will give you money."

There is nothing here to agree or disagree upon!

No I am admitting that I can hate people, it's normal. It's not psychopathy to hate someone or something and want them gone!

That sounds like quite the advantageous position to be in. That would be great if it benefitted me, but very bad if it did not.

you are not describing hate, you are describing something beyond hate. unless you mean the way a child might feel hate while not really understanding the consequences of their emotions/"wishes"

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oh, how convenient! (added to the lore files)


No I'm pretty sure I understand the consequences. It would be a great benefit to everyone if he was gone, I am actually being empathetic here (the opposite of psychopathy).

Sorry about this seth.


This is also not related to the fact that you were projecting.

there is a difference between someone being "gone" and someone being "dead" and i'm sure i don't need to point that out to basically 90+% of people

Unfortunately these two have a complicated and unresolved history.

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If by Gone you mean locked in a small cage forever with no contact to the outside world, sure - that could work too.

i'm moving to egypt shortly

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My name isnt shortly

Is this a threat?

and the quality of the namafia general board would increase too

You can report that post to the moderators and theyll take care of it. They love to review flags