@theodore's Tribunal Thread

oh, no. you'll have to wait for the arrival of one or two of the other users to receive threats (unless you happen to lose "tywin's" support)

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you sound like a psychopath, period.

He is nothing but a burden to everyone around him. He's like a terminally ill patient that needs to be euthanized, but it's still illegal in the US. So instead we just suffer along with him.

You have a cartoonish idea of what a psychopath really is. It's not all black and white.

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yeah, in the way that you can seem semi normal and supportive of people in some group settings, but actually just be a psycho, as it turns out. thats unfortunate


I would prefer to not receive any threats. Do you have any advice?

No, it's actually very normal to be like that! You don't have to treat everyone the same, not everyone deserves your support and care!
Not everyone deserves to be treated well!

don't post here is probably the best advice i can give, to those ends.

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cry about it

So what if I am. It's overwhelming when people fight!!!!


not everyone needs to be given attention, but wishing ill or death on someone is a testament to your ego as well as your intellect, that's for sure.

no actually saying that is a testament to your ego and intellect! You're projecting!

"no u"

Wishing death upon @theodore is no different from wishing death upon Putin or Hitler. That's just how it is.

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It’s easier to frown than smile….

Trust me, Nyte knows how much I smile. It's all day.

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do you wish death upon putin?

I wish death upon every world leader.

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Me watching the thread for updates


But this entire thing just comes down to a euthanasia argument, which only works if you genuinely believe that some people can be hopeless beyond any sort of redemption, which I personally do.

If you hold @theodore to a higher standard than that, good for you. I don't see it.