There's a Bear in the Woods! (Day 1)

I have a pack with 50 feet of rope, and an empty sack labeled "for the head of a bear"

Also i have a sickle. A huge on3

Good to see dnd rub off on another one :friendly_wink:

Town here.
Let's hunt bears.

How do you know there's more than one bear the title only mentions one. TMI

Nine players and only one bear seems unlikely.

Perhaps there is a clue in the emote system, when I search for bear I get a snake as well. So it's a bear and a snake :bear: :snake: :polar_bear: :teddy_bear:

These resources will last us half a day

Luckily I bought a pound of my own

Dungeon master can you give us more info on the setting

I think he's more of a freeform dungeon master where he lets the players help in building the setting

I forgot the tent poles again so we'll have to set up some sort of make shift tarp lean-to

My character is wearing a tuxedo

You probably rock a tuxedo. You got the smile

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I don't like how insom was talking about how bears kill people seems a little macabre for our camping retreat

You have a nice smile and nice hair smiley face

Dungeon master can i roll perception as to whether or not this strange man is hitting on me

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 5