These BLM protests needs a new chant line

and on top of that i am also the only capable judge around here

i would need to issue a warrant for my arrest then i would need to arrest myself and stand trial before myself. and of course we would need all new jurors(the last ones were not very helpful)

@big_ass will you be my lawyer if i am taken to court?

What factors are moderators chosen from? No one knows. How about a more fair system - the player with the most accurate D1 gutreads gets moderator until the next game.

No discussing mafia games with an active game going on

Please report yourself


Actually I just tell people when they are doing stupid things and they get mad because they think if they're a moderator that means nobody should criticize them

I am also vocal when I think people are doing a good job. I've pointed out when Kyle was doing a good job with the goys. I spoke up for slowdive when he was doing a good job and got removed. And I have said before that Klaze was fine as a moderator except he took it personally when I criticized him.

U guys have to learn to not take it so personally when u get called an idiot.

Didn't read

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Gonfuck yourself dude in not an idiot et. Al I have 12 semester credits earned at a state University for a computer science d hre who the fuck are you

This looks like a moderator application to me - somebody get this man a badge

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Fuck you fat man go live in your parents house again tonightb

Anyone else think we need an **soul containment thread

this is now a prealgebra math live blogging thread

To be honest the criteria for moderator are just "will this guy ban the 20 nma and benny accounts and any new ones when they make them" and beyond that it's just kyle coming up with things to do because he's bored

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I'm going to begin my approaching the problem attempting to find a max value for the expression and then im going to find the minimum value. From there, I'll see if the remaining answers can be both odd or even integers, or just one of the two.

The max value appears to be four an even integer

the min value appears to be zero an odd integer

Now, can I obtain both even and odd integer values?

i can obtain the answer three an odd integer

Make it so the number of flags on a post is displayed to all users

it's kind of like the opposite of "Likes." Everybody can see how many downvotes every numeta post gets