This is what an Ewiz apology looks like

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I never minimized your shit. I said I was sorry you went through that, but everything you posted was an example of misogyny, not racism. Their refusal to listen to you, saying you did your job poorly, etc are common occurrences for women of all races in all professions done by men of all races. And yes, they should be told to stop being misogynistic fuckshits

Quit insulting monkeys. My God.

Cockroaches are a higher form of life than nig nogs are. Rats are too. Mosquitoes, including disease carrying mosquitoes, are a higher form of life than blacks. As are bacteria.

In fact, whenever I hear about e Coli in Africa, I begin to feel sorry for the unfortunate bacteria that has to live alongside nig nogs.

and you won’t call to say that it’s alright, cause you know it lasts all night

Don’t even respond to this

See the second post in the thread

there’s part of my wardrobe

TOP TRACKSUITS :pog: :pogtrump:

I miss anime jones

anime into nazism is a normal progression just accept it

Why do you think I watch Japanese television.

No Nig Nogs

it really is

Ewiz’s just wrong about everything and never admits it even if he’s clearly not justified in speaking on the topic (eg. posts “i was there i know the truth” and then “i was blackout drunk I don’t remember anything” on the very same day about the very same situation)

no one CARES dude

Yeah i agree I was thinking that too

this is like me crying about nmaGane feedng in my dota games

Wish I could just be my anime self

Why does nobody pine after the Anime Me

literally the equivalent of me telling nmaGane “can you try harder” in a game where he has 180gpm on Dark willow and is 1/22

I saw mahjong games at a japanese arcade yesterday and thought about jones

I was watching Mahjong earlier on Mondo.

I bet huber has himself glued to Pigoo.