This is what an Ewiz apology looks like

wasnt it varus

I wouldn’t go to a VIetnam memorial in america… seems like going to that place is even worse

yeah exactly I want to see what goes on and what the people are like

it also isnt strictly war criminals only. and the history of the shrine is complicated and interesting

varus(big forehead) and gay

Fuck you cheater you knew the answer

Varus is LIT

btw if you play a champion for more than 100 games, you are going in the cuck cage

i have never played more than 100 games on a single champion because im a beast

Same. Singed, nasus, pre-rework trundle

i also was permanently banned for being too good at the game

Me too


Yns is a veigar main

basically ewiz, if you plan to play draft a lot, buy artifact, if you dont, dont if you dont want to spend money on cards

Oh and pre-rework Sion. And Ap bruiser blitcrank when that worked.

yns is definitely an ezreal main

I am comfortable enough with my beliefs to not feel like I am honoring anything I dont wish to by going to a place.

Huber is a braum main

here’s a good one, 17 years old smoking heroin 3-4 times a week

fair enough