This is what an Ewiz apology looks like

it also helps them feel more comfortable with their position, it’s just a collection of cognitive biases preying on one another creating a feedback loop that doesnt exist outside of their mind so it becomes necessary to treat their position as unfalsifiable (they arent reasonable so this makes it feel stronger to them) and reject contradicting evidence

Trump just dabbed on the beaners

I think I hid my own post oops

No I see it

After putting that flag in i chortled for about three minutes and people looked at me weird

What’s there to argue about now


What’s the deal with sharia law

theyre spawning like rabbits and theyre going to outnumber the whites any day now

on the sat arabs are whites tho

Arnold Palmer is the best drink

L o l

The defeat in 1453 at Constantinople was a blow the White Man has never emotionally recovered from

The Templar Knights still meet in secret waiting for the day they’ll return and retake the Holy Land

christianity PWND!!!

Indeed. The reality is grim— They may return some day, but they will never retake those lands. Undeniable proof that Islam is the superior religion unless you’re a beta bitch Pussy who likes to be dominated

Evidence: Europeans

Twice Germany tried to resist that role, and both times failed. You can’t run from destiny.