i honestly think zai could be on the chopping block if optic loses tomorrow
i love zai like everybody else but when you play the super hard position 10 like ppd does you need a superstar 4 to make up for it and zai just hasn’t been that
i could see them going the -ccnc -zai +abed +DJ route, maybe even -33 +universe as well, but 33 just leaving not being kicked
i could see 33 leaving and going to a team like OG or even Liquid
i think mind_control is done in liquid even if they win TI this year, just because of the genocidal shit he said
liquid seems like the kinda org that cares about its image a ton and i could see that also creating something of a rift in the team
will be interesting to see what happens, post TI shuffles are always lit
I’m surprised they’re not putting him on more flashy heroes who have big teamfight impact. I always associate zai farming hard with heroes like Enigma, Earthshaker etc that can contribute a huge amount to fights with just one ability and auras/utility items, but it seems like they’re giving him stuff like furion and so on that can’t really do this.
well part of that is that universe got much less farm priority in EG, and he was a “space maker” and zai was basically the 3rd “space taker” as BSJ said, I think that’s a good term.
where in OpTiC 33 CCnC and pajkatt are all the space takers and zai and ppd are the “space makers”
idk I still get the feeling that they could do better and I feel like something is lacking when I watch zai play on this team.
i check the stream because there are actually certain caster duos ive liked at this TI. back when i was still really into dota i used to always watch the games in-game with no caster and watch the player perspective.