To my Canadian friends

@treewonsevin and I may be in waterloo soon.

what’s soon. i find you very fascinating and would like to meet you for like 5 minutes.

also if you two live in t.o why aren’t we frens i was there yesterday ._.

It depends on when he wants to go.

Not from TO - but close.

Around 100km away from Toronto

? im like 50km away from toronto. could you be more vague
i live in burlington. are you on my end or like kingston end?

I’m not sure if @treewonsevin wants to have that publicly known - sorry. I have to respect my friend’s privacy.
I would tell you our address if it was up to me.

wait you live together?
so you’re technically not considered GTA since 100km is quite a distance

No, not GTA.

I’m just visiting by the way; for a few months.

okay neat. iM really cool and @roragok is really cooL and @capgrass is pretty cool so there
anyways, i’ll check in tomorrow to see what their weekend schedule is like

Thanks in advance

Yo, I got this weekend off and I’m seeing a friend in Toronto anyway. Psyched to drink beer and talk about anime with Roragod.

someone buy my plane ticket im in boys

Friday gonna be in Kitchener for the rangers game with dan. Saturday back in Toronto for habs leaf game.

Hell yeah Hoype!!!

i drove to burlington to buy my mouse. very nice people

Amsterdam brewhouse was fun. Heading to the game soon.

Hope to see whoever attenders tomorrow.

When are you going to be in Kitchener? Brendan and I can meet you and dan there.

Glad you’re having a good time