Top Forum Poster Of All Time

for serious and dota related posts swiftending was a fantastic poster, as was some other guy who was a high mmr european player but i can't remember his name. i think he was arabic as well. he posted a lot in strategy section.

in the early days Mikey and HOWDOUGETSLICED posted some pretty funny stuff

GranDGranT was a terrible poster, again, he just posted nonsense and "troll" posts that weren't funny in any way. He's pretty entertaining now as a streamer though.

He did that thing on playdota where he borrowed a 2900 mmr account to prove that there is no trench.
I think he won 29 games in a row before his first loss at 3500 mmr.

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yep guy is a beast, he's a pretty solid tier 2/tier 1 pro now. he played in one of the recent TIs i believe

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Thank you fuckmafiauniverse, very cool!

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i still miss veitnam toms tinder posts. taht shit was great

vive la Quebec

airhogs and kzz

kzz for sure.

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