Town Hall


It is a good question, and I would like to hear LBJ's answer.

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I agree with the first post but I'll check out the context of the second one, I never saw that

I'm pretty sure he said it in the OP of the town hall but I can't look right now

Yeah nevermind dan Nyte just quoted it for me

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I don't flag things

Flagging is like sending a PM directly to all the moderators, it is extremely obnoxious

My only flags are like recent stuff when everyone was talking about it or stuff that was just egregious/beyond obnoxious on the site

Ewiz shouldn't be on the website, Kyle should be a mod, and if dan is given any power to make decisions the website will die in under a month

I wish I could see the overall stats on the amount of flags you use but you've purposely spammed flags in the past and you've submitted 12 flags in the past 2 weeks from a cursory check

Can you tell us what I've "purposely spammed flags" on

For example was it ewiz posting "shut up ■■■■■■" hundreds or even thousands of times with no mod response

the fact that you push this narrative leads me to the conclusion that you're clearly talking with kyle behind the curtain. Like you're an idiot but you're not dumb enough to think that kyle Should be mod over any other potential person

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maybe its because you've burned so many bridges in your nadota career that you harbor some fear that one day someone who hates your guts will become moderator

Does it occur to you that you're defending someone who is pretty much indefensible

You're here crying and the guy would've ruined your site, bit your head off, and then snuck goys back in (using some justification like "You refused to ban Insom and Insom is a Nazi!!")

And roragok openly said he didn't want the guy here. Like why is this the hill to die on dan

how do you make this post with a straight face? I refuse to believe it

Like I said asoul is a master troll and will argue for any side just to stir things up. It's funny to him. It's not completely NOT funny to me but it's just trolling nothing further

look at his posts in the sexism thread and "anti-trumpism" thread, none of it is in good faith and he tricks people into thinking it actually is every day, so he can drive engagement

What's an nadota career first of all and why should I care about it

Second of all all mods hate me, after they are appointed mods, because I say they're doing dumb things when they do dumb things and they get really mad

The only mod I've had a good relationship with I think was Slowdive

And all of those people as normal posters I have pretty normal relationship with

I think the drive engagement thing is a really poor and fake position from him, he's aware that there's any number of actual more positive ways to drive site engagement, but only really has the patience for or interest in trolling

i have some bad news for you guys when you think he is trolling..

Like what is even a "burned bridge" on nadota and why does it matter

I see someone saying or doing something I think is wrong, I say it is wrong, who cares beyond that

Or is a "burned bridge" when I tell you I'll help you and you say "You're only offering to help because you're lazy/because you felt guilty about asking for ewiz to be banned and he was actually doing something (lol) and also fuck you"

He's absolutely trolling but does a great job of hiding it

asoul is not nmagane, epok