Her having cancer doesn't have fucking anything to do with her being racist as fuck
Yes then
Lmao how the fuck does having cancer excuse being a shitty person?
is it racist to not have a muslim friend in this day and age cuz idk how i'd order my food in that kind of circumstance
guess im doing it wrong
That doesn't change the fact that a person doing a job that requires should be able to speak it.
And @electrowizard Are you trying to argue with every single person on this site?
when i get food from places that aren't great with english i either point at what i want or use google translate lol
pointing works pretty well
@electrowizard isn't a member of the goy club, but he serves their purpose:
To kill a forum by making everyone lose the desire to post.
brb gotta go make a friend that speaks Arabic so I can order a foot long with no mayo
Lmao what? I was arguing with insom, she came and defended him, I noted the irony considering her massive racism against brown people
Case in point.
Lmao love how fucking salty you got because I called you on your bullshit of trying to not do anything as a mod
Lmao kittens says a guy wasn't being racist to a muslim person, then I post how she's obviously racist against muslim people. What the fuck does that have to do with her having cancer?
@electrowizard You are killing this forum.
And you're probably furiously masturbating as you do it.
You need another hobby.
Ad hominem refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument, perhaps accurately, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.
nah i was literally asking about the "correct" way to have handled the situation insom was in at that time, objectively
and kkat is right, you couldn't address the question alone without going after me personally
you're an idiot and i regret engaging with you
can i 1vs1 insom for a ban
Actually, I did. And your personal views on Muslim people are extremely relevant to someone being racist to Muslim people: it's not a personal attack