Trump vs Biden debate

Watching queens gambit and Anya has a :fire: neck

Highly recommend queens gambit btw and not just for anya’s :fire: neck

Canadians are still obsessed with my president election choice because he cant vote in my country, which just so happens to be the greatest country in the world. God bless america.

Refpsi don’t watch queens gambit you’ll ruin your nut retention streak

trump gonna win

i'll make sure not to, thank you, so far im doing very well retaining


Patient protections have been a policy pushed since the 70's by...Richard Nixon. It was pushed by Romney's medicare bill. That's not some radical thing that they've been pushed into

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Also, on a lighter note @huber

found this suggested underneath that tweet

Pushed by Nixon, not supported or passed. That happened, as things moved, in 2014. Now it is dangerous to out and out come out against them. You didn't make the point you think you did.

anyone in a swing state know someone that died so I can go there and vote with their identity?

nah but i got some annoying neighbors so we can make it happen

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also on a lighter note

I love when fox does these

How do you know that? He’a refused to confirm or deny regarding that

so by that logic was obama a step in the right direction from clinton? he was def left of clinton. shouldn't he have pushed the party more left then?

Wow Biden might win Ohio and Florida.
This could be a landslide.

he won't win florida

nyt has him at 95%+ to win florida with an estimate of 3.3+

tie with the entire panhandle remaining lmao