Turf War v4 Day 2

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
vanilla_town 1 insom

Not Voting

bazingaboy, KrazyKat, J-Crispy, fireworks_over_maynooth, Matticus, You_lose_i_win, Vanilla_Town,

Alive Players - 8

Majority Vote - 5


He has made two posts, one was a meaningless agreement with vanilla, the other was a (false) attack on me.

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@Vanilla_Town who did your partner want to kill last night?

With 5 to hammer, and mafia having day chat, be careful with your votes.
Scum could coordinate and drop three votes at the same time and hammer a town with only two votes.

yeah, good point

fireworks and i shot ian

How did you discuss it?

gave him 3 names to choose from wingdingi, ian + one other unflipped

I won a game that way once and I felt dirty.

whichever neighborhood shot wingwingi will 100% have a mafia member in it imo

Looks like your choices were all bad.

matticus is a good shot but he's unflipped

Sorry. I stand corrected.

did fireworks give any suggestions?

nope that's why i think he's mafia, probably saw we were shooting other towns, made sure to not double up on wingdingi and just coasted

i probably shoulda have canceled the vote like trump but what can you do

It might be possible to win even with a mislynch, but the odds are slim.
Nolynch would buy us another day, but that seems stupid.

Picking one scum today will be very hard, because we only have 5 town left.
We will all have to agree, or wait until end of day for the host to kill the person with the most votes.

Im eager too hear what @activechoicetostopputtingmyselfthroughth has to say with @bazingaboy, hopefully he stops being the Least Valuable Player (if town) and gives some sort of useful context.

@insom , who did your partner want to kill?

My hood didn't kill anyone last night.