Valentines day

Yeah go to AA

The only AA in my area has the entire website in Spanish. I don't hablo Español Amigo.

Don’t you live in SoCal??

This one

Im noticing some attention seeking behavior


Ya this is 1 mile from me. The next one w an eng site is like 20 miles towards LA, I live/grew up out in the boonies with a buncha immigrants who don't speak English lmao. I was the only Korean so I didn't fit in w the Mexicans, viets, or Chinese and maybe that's why I became a recluse and went online. A lot of ppl around here only speak Spanish, Vietnamese or Chinese. Most of the gov is run by Mexicans though in my home city El Monte.

That's the AA site lmao. Fucking hell. That should be illegal. It's racist to think only Mexicans can be alcoholics. Come on man, we're all fucked up and need help.

Isn't that all humans though? Artists making art, singers singing songs, politicians making war, or degens making poasts

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If I could eternal sunshine of the spotless mind my brain, I’d do it in a heartbeat

Huber linked the real website you should use, there’s 3 meetings in San Gabriel. English speaking, they are specific days but one is Saturday evening so I think you’ll be fine to go to that one

Not sure if I should even go tho. I have pretty much dropped drinking since last year, I lost about 25lbs from that alone so I'm like 135 and almost as fit as I was in college... Literally reversed aging and boosted confidence too.

I still have cravings though but I don't know if the aa will help w that. I drink on occasion like a single beer and don't get any good feeling from it to scratch the itch. Since I started smoking pot, it has allowed me to address and release my stress.

Alcohol was only making me bury the feeling of stress. The cravings I get the excitement I feel when I see TV shows where people are smiling and chatting at a bar, or hearing someone talk about alcohol and imagining the taste of beer still makes me salivate but I have determined it is a bait. I am an addict and these feelings I have trying to draw me in to numb myself are a bait because I feel worse everytime I come out it makes my problems worse, I deal with everything worse, I've ruined a lot of relationships and opportunities from my inability to control myself and get trashed. my gut and stomach feel like shit, and there's nothing positive that I can get from alcohol anymore. I won't say it was a mistake to drink because it gave me the experiences I have and the connections w some friends but I got everything I could and now it's time to move on.

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nobody asked

Jesus fucking christ

Agreed good work

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Sounds like your ass should go unless you’ve just completely cut out all substance abuse from your life and don’t go on like extended binges