Routine bullshit that takes like 3 hours of sitting in line to figure out
And that’s a fucked dmv I’ve been to dmvs where it’s like an hour in and out tops
I was in compete and utter poverty for like 10 years trying to make NA Dota work. I still had a fucking driver's license.
I’m not asking about your life ■■■■■■
Bro ask to take a swing shift at your job and go in the morning before your shift starts it is not that hard
Or PTO it
Literally the reason for saying no I'd is because they are dumb and poor
why don't you just ignore the alerts on this website if you don't read what people say to you at all
Yeah I think this is pretty much it. They will always come up with an example of the hypothetical dumbest poorest person ever who can’t do anything but flip burgers and that’s a reason why we shouldn’t have voter ID
That's my understanding.
We want every dumb re tard voting in our elections because that’s what makes us free. Literal 60 iq mongoloids helping to decide and shape our country is the ideal democracy. People who are so stupid they can’t figure out how to go to the dmv get a number and sit in a chair for an hour. People who can’t get together basic documents in their life should be voting because that strengthens our democracy
few things motivate a trump voter like looking for a reason to keep an american citizen from being able to vote unless the proper prayers to bureaucratic processes are made
few things make the liberal re tard salivate more than the thought of the dumbest poorest people from all over voting in elections because people one step above Down syndrome really deserve to vote
Again why wouldn't some one be able to get i.d. asides being dumb a poor?
i appreciate you not voting to hold true to your values on 60 iqs participating in the process
I actually have an ID so we at least know my IQ is above 60
okay man the next time you renew your car registration late you should be Locked Up and Put Down
I don’t renew my car registration by choice because I don’t want to give the state any money. I also do not pay any parking tickets or EZ pass tickets. This is all by choice renewing your registration is as easy as going to a website and they send your ass like 7 letters about it to remind you
But also you don’t need a car registration to open a bank account or lease an apartment or get a loan. Dude you need an ID to function
oh cool so you live in a state less burdensome about it than anywhere else ive ever lived and think thats the standard or what