You write 200 lines of code a day. That's 1000 a week. You're writing 52,000 lines of code per year.
Are you just throwing out every single thing you write at the beginning of the week? LMAO
git log --oneline -n 10 --author=Matticus --shortstat
lets see it buddy.
I did some trivial math. Redis is composed of 100k lines of code, I wrote at least 70k of that in 10 years. I never work more than 5 days per week and I take 1 month of vacations every year, so assuming I work 22 days every month for 11 months:
70000/(22*11*10) = ~29 LOC / day
Which is not too far from 10. There are days where I write 300-500 LOC, but I guess that a lot of work went into rewriting stuff and fixing bugs, so I rewrote the same lines again and again over the course of years, but yet I think that this should be taken into account, so the Mythical Man Month book is indeed quite accurate.
However this math is a bit off because in the course of such 10 years I wrote quite a number of side projects, but still, max ~50 LOC / day.
That seems about right.
All of the code in this project I wrote in less than a year, but this includes comments.
All of that is greenfield. It's all new. You haven't included just random utilities that already existed.
Pick some random class how many lines is the total declaration/signature
No, that's the project only which is only my code. It is C++ so it has the declare/define redundancies and I put braces on new lines, but otherwise just normal code.
braces on newlines probably chops 1/3rd of the lines off.
what's the horizontal line width max? 80?
I don't cap line width and use a wide window. Anyways, Im going to bed.
We really need to see some examples here.
* Comment begins here.
I imagine there's no big MIT License at the top of every file either.
I don't use block comments and use one line max per comment. Anyways, Ive had metrics done on my code at big studios and avg like 150 lines of code per day for every day of the year. It's not that hard just write code and stop theorycrafting and/or complaining all day. Good night.
You've gone from 100s to 150 and we've already figured out that 1/3rd of that is braces on new lines.
I don't believe in including any comments in a file because it artificially juices your LOC stats (cheating the metrics for the dashboard that goes to my PM every day) and good code should be self-explanatory
Readme is acceptable but it's for communicating to somebody else how to spin up your infrastructure basically
I want some metrics on deepest conditional nesting in your 60k sloc codebase