Voter thread 2024

are we making up how this works again do you think they'll still give you the sticker if you sweet talk them

Sweet talk? No just act like a re tard redneck. You think the re tard rednecks are paying these guys to fix the “ball joints” on their 1992 ford rangers?

It's not a Ford truck it's a Ford fucken ranger!

do they do it parked on the side of a main street???

These guys probably walk in there, T levels off the chart, MAGA hat on the head covered in grease with a ford ranger that you can see the road through the floorboard and just tell them “my trick is in perfect condition give me my sticker”

i promise you ive done way more car repair than you dog theres shit you do when its reasonable and shit you dont when its not

Then why are you paying these guys to fix it, fix it yourself

If you don’t wanna do it yourself then why are you complaining about them fixing it lmao

you really don't do any car stuff do you huh

i dont know why have you been in here all night complaining about less real shit

Bro I just buy cars brand new nowadays I haven’t bought cars off Craigslist and tried to repair them since I was in high school

me: woke up at 3am, busy day ahead, will be sleeping before the polls even close, unbothered

you: up all night, frantic, bothered

I’m in california rn it’s only 1am I’m gonna try to sleep in as late as possible so I can just get up and the polls will be closing in a couple hours

you gotta wake up at 3am for your job or something dude? You ever thought about just not doing it and sleeping in? I wake up at about noon or 1pm everyday and shits working out good for me over here

Alarm always for 7 but sometimes we don't get there

Go to bed wagie your boss needs you well rested so he can extract maximum value from your hard work

You got me fucked up man to get me up at 7am shit better be worth some money. Or like I better be like completely desperate in my life otherwise put me on the swing shift

I’m not getting up at 7am for less than like $1000 and that’s just to get me up and out of the house if you want me to put in a days work after that I better be seeing like 3-4 grand

I work 1099 these ballot boxes wont stuff themselves

At least you get the write offs so you’re not getting completely scammed