oh yeah? when exactly? what antagonistic things did we do? be specific
stop typing vague meaningless slop
literally no information is conveyed in anything you say
Voted for Trudeau 3 times. That's enough to warrant extermination like rats
"can you define 'acting like a (vague term)' for me"
"oh yeah its when you act like (another vague term)"
fucking ■■■■■■
ah so we should be subjected to tarrifs and annexation? neato
If your population is too stupid to do what's best for itself yes daddy trump should lead
dont you claim to love things like freedom?
youre arguing it should not even exist as a concept
There is no freedom here. You are only free to be an obnoxious leftist twat
ah so countries should not have the right to elect their own leader? neat idea
you are incapable of typing anything meaningful
Sigh. They should be taught a lesson when electing a ■■■■■■ so many times yes. Especially with the state's right beside
so you hate the concept of democracy, okay
what DO you believe in then? what's the ideal political landscape
The people are ■■■■■■■■ that's why Trudeau got in. What the state's has is far better since democracy get fucked up like Canada. Herp derp just mass import more libs.
you know you can just go live there right? you don't need them to invade Ontario you dumb cunt
you can literally move there
so leave then
I have a job that exists no where else in the world. I'd have to like actually get up and work. Nah
yeah bro the states DEMOCRACY is looking so strong and aspirational right now
youre so right dude
maybe Elon Musks discord kittens could rearrrange our treasury too! poggers! based!
Constitutional republic better then having twinkle socks get in 3 times. Canadians are just dumb. 81% vaccinated. Dogs that bow to authority.
Can't protest the government but if you want to march down the streets of Toronto yelling kill the Jews ur welcome to