Voter thread 2024

you hate immigrants yet support the guy willing to go to war for the H1b visa program

you don't even have any internal logic

I don't hate immigrants. I hate gimmiegrants

notice how you keep substituting silly words for where the factual part of your post is meant to go?

Also Somalians don't like them

the pro being invaded guy is calling me a dog who bows to authority

Give me immigrants that work. You drive down Toronto lines of fresh Africans getting hand outs of food

Liberated**** from the likes of you

"cant protest the govt" yeah I also dont remember when a bunch of protesting truckers brought our country to a standstill

with a highly effective protest

nope never happened you are SO right

you spent years holding a sign asking for LITERAL HANDOUTS

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Honk honk HH 88 heil hitler

for your team. BEGGING FOR MONEY.

like.. an immigrant? a GIMMIEgrant even

No I didn't. I held signs promoting businesses.


Yeah and now I work 2 hours a day because of that stuff

because other people gave you money? so you're living well on gibs?


pwease pwease give me money uwu


Your country is racist now vaxdog

you have alcohol/drug induced permanent brain damage

And you have a carbon tax vaxdog hahahaha