Voter thread 2024

25ish % white. The rest brown. Majority of my peers growing up were latino or black.

Also, it is not “completely alien” to me, it is completely alien to the rest of society in the United States because these people do not live like normal white Americans in any sense and the reason why I know that is because I’ve been away from it for a decade now living around and interacting with normal people. There will not be some great meshing of cultures and a great lifting of minorities out of the poverty of their former countries as they assimilate into our culture. White people will just have to live around violence, terrible behavior, and high levels of crime because the government will force these people into their cities and towns

Yeah dude my high school was 5% white and that was because it was a public and magnet school so pretty much all of the white kids were going through the magnet program and got bussed in. My gym class for example, which is the biggest class I had probably at least 60+ kids in it had me and one other white kid. Pretty much every other class I had I was the only white kid in the class

By your reasoning, it would be alien to you, a white man.

You don't realize that is what you are arguing, but it is.

When you admit that those conditions in that area make even whites like yourself go down that path, then all you can do is try and prove that it was non-whites merely existing there that brought upon those conditions. And the way I grew up, I just know that aint the case.

Guy Who Doesn't Understand Probability

LMAO I knew you were going to just make up some lower number and pretend that explains it. What a joke.

Also most of the other white kids got relentlessly bullied at school, I had a little bit of it in middle school but once I started doing drugs it pretty much stopped outside of like the 2 or 3 fights I would need to get in per school year as like an almost mandatory thing everyone had to do in order to prove you weren’t some bitch

So weird how this image is just exactly what right wing propaganda paints.

Yeah dude you’re re tarded. You can look it up online now it’s probably about the same. It’s canyon springs high school in north Las Vegas

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You want me to call my mom and see if she can find my diploma to take a picture for me so I can show you too you dumb fat re tard. It’s so unbelievable that blacks and Mexicans are just terrible to live around? It’s really that insane to you?

“No way dude they’re just like us!!! You’re just lying dude nobody actually experienced that!!”

Don't deny his lived experience as white trash.



Yeah dude stop denying my lived experience

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We don’t negotiate with terrorists

Can you believe the terrible shit brown people do? Oh I did it too btw

Oh you see it is probability. We did the math. You can do that.

yns is the Yeonmi Park of North Vegas

Huber somehow doesnt get the irony of immigrating to one of the most monoethnic and highly-ordered societies while preaching about how anybody who points out that the mass inflow of poor immigrants degrades society is racially biased or deceived by media

Why don't you go teach English in South Africa and see how that goes? Heck I would compromise and agree on Brazil. Let's start a fund to send Huber to Brazil. They have prostitutes there bro you'll have everything you need

The Japanese are more racist than the USA. They have Systemic Yellow Supremacy. What are you doing to combat racism in your new home?