Voter thread 2024


Nice reddit stock

You literally bought the "Chill Guy" meme

I didnt even know what it was until my girlfriend got mad at me for buying it because apparently its a tiktok thing

I don't know what it is either.

Have you thought about buying ■■■■■■■■■ token?

N iggabutt

Perhaps some thicc thugs NFTs?

None of the edgy stuff ever makes it for more than 3 days unfortunately

Better off doing this

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Finished the first 2 hrs of thiel

My comments

Bari Weiss is not a good interviewer and (or because) she is not smart enough to be interviewing thiel

She has a tendency to pitch him a question which is just a long segment of her explaining what she thinks (which is usually stupid) and him being like Well, no.

Then he gives some long explanation which is worthwhile but she cuts him off or misses the point, then immediately moves to a different topic

No ability to create a conversation or pull anything interesting out of him. First hour is a total waste of time, even from Thiel's side it's all things I've already heard (maybe from him). Second hour there are a few interesting points - Thiel's thoughts on the trade deficit, foreign policy etc are interesting. Notably makes a point about Wall Street/US banks being the beneficiaries of the massive trade deficit with China and about nuclear weapons of foreign adversaries being the cause of major proxy wars like in Korea, Vietnam (highlighting that Iran nuclear weapons would be a regional disaster)

Don't know if I got much else that I didn't know out of this. It's mostly Bari aping some mindless MSM nonsense and asking Thiel to explain (Tariffs are Bad! Why does Trump talk about tariffs? Trust the Science! Vaccine hesitancy is dangerous!) and him giving a common-sense answer that we've all mostly already heard if we've listened to anybody in this sphere

Peter thiel isnt going to have sex with you

Find the idol you seek within yourself

Nevermind perhaps he will

All objectively true

Another "everyone believes something therefore it must be false" take from this career contrarion

Why do you ■■■■■■■ always invent a reality where everyone is else is wrong and you are correct? Did mommy not love you enough? Latent personality disorder?

Dont respond if you are gay

1 or 6 for me.

6 would make for my life's most entertaining 8 hours.

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Barry Weiss is unlistenable (for reasons other than being a woman (the actual reason is I would never listen to a woman))