Weight loss thread attempt #14

@jones im really not appreciating you being a part of this by the way


please contact me through steam



Fuck i forgot to weigh and i already had a diet coke

dont drink diet pop

Day 2: 264.1lb

What should i do with these then you fucking pussy?

clean your toilet bowl with em

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pop isnt the worst as vices go but i got a feeling diet pop will be looked back on terribly in the future and it tastes like shit. just drink coffee or tea if you need caffeine

Are you one of the luddites that thinks aspartame is the devil?

I am going to butt fuck you

i've read that it can lead to a higher hunger response throughout the day and has worse withdrawal symptoms than regular sugar. it tastes like major ass

idk drinking a pop almost never sounds appetizing to me so im coming from a privileged position clearly

Soda is healthy and good for you. Just eat less food.

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I weigh 140 lbs.

Diet soda gives me no insulin response

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Ahhh thermodynamics