What Are You Reading?

I miss living in a small town area. All the libraries we’re like old small school houses. And they never had enough room so they’d sell books and other things for super cheap. At my grandmother’s house I have almost every single Disney money that came out on VHS and a bunch of old books that I got for free.

What genre is that?

Does C stand for Casey

Hands on machine learning with scikit-learn and tensorflow

I’m really interested in machine learning - Did you know about OpenAI in Dota that uses machine learning? It practices against ITSELF - and very fast processing

hey flop!

Dota plus uses Machine Lerning to recommend the most optimal items

hey guys. missed yall. not sure what happened to nadota.

the openai stuff is pretty neat: https://blog.openai.com/openai-five/
the book I just mentioned is pretty neat. definitely covers the LSTM networks that the openai team mentions in that post: http://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs/#lstm-networks

Hahahaha machene Learnin

the archetypes and the collective unconscious is the only book i have from jung, but I haven’t read it yet. What are the must reads from him?

The most obvious answer would be the red book but there’s too many to count haha

If you want a good read try The Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Good mix of love adventure religion and philosophy.

Lol I read that in school and it was horrifically badly written…

i got almost exactly halfway through The Shadow of the Wind

and now im not feeling continuing

Slowly reading the expanse series. On book 4. Also lots of random manga.

reading angels in iron

Pirx the Pilot by Stanislaw Lem

I just finished Schoolgirl by Osamu Dazai, was pretty quick and definitely rougher around the edges than No Longer Human (one of my favorite books i’ve read over the last year), but if youre into depressed japanese authors, both are prob checking out. I’ll prob read the rest of his translated works but going to take a break first.

Picking up Foundation again. Stopped halfway through to watch movies on train rides instead sometime in the winter, and it’s one of my dad’s favorite book series so might as well take a stab. Haven’t read anything full-length by azimov since i think like one of the sequels to caves of steel in 2006 or something. Always super impressed by how well his works holds up