what the fuck is wrong with nmagane?

He is not acting normal. It’s not nma posting on that account. Can an admin please check the IP and verify if it is nmagane or not? I have suspicions it’s jdance roleplaying as nmagane

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It’s me.

I am acting normal - you’re just an idiot.



I think if the role playing is strong enough it can even circumvent IP checks. You physically become the other person and adopt their IP


It’s me. Yns is a total idiot. I’m acting completely normal - without any role play.

You’re right

Hey – its me.

Hey, me here, what’s up?

In this world, youre either a Grunt or a Troll Headhunter. I just think the latter is a more noble pursuit.

The rapist hijacked his account

Nmagane caught on tape composing a post

Not a cool joke amer please drop it

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I’VE BEEN cross analyzing nma’s post. its him
but he’s changed its like two face from batman
he started playing artifact and now everything he post is a coin flip, if hes spammy we got bad nma if its not spammy well thought out thats good nma

ARTIFACT, not even once.

When did they find the missing link

I would guess that it’s seasonal affective disorder. Many of our users appear to have caught ‘the bug’.

Reporting in

I’m usually much happier during winter time

I know