Who is she

Tbh I know where most people here live, we’ve had a holiday card mailing list going for a few years. Went with a new photographer this year, Thanksgiving cards are going to be lit af this time. Get excited!!

This gives me a great idea for the coming holiday season

You’re not getting anyone’s addresses

What seasonal holiday do they celebrate in egypt? Allah day?

Christmas on January 7th

I will expose alts as I wish.

What’s my signup location and my current location

near st petersburg and “some place” (wink) in minneapolis. for the record its not some SVU track your current location bullshit it just records your IP when you login and if a person wanted to check where that IP goes to theres a button that fetches that info.

just say yes/no/maybe and dont provide evidence lol. i personally dont condone pointing out alts if they serve a comedic purpose and the person who made it isn’t evading a ban or purposely hiding their identity for mafia

It’s bullshit

I will point out alts that are confusing and not comedic.

Huber is a much more experienced and talented moderator than you are so I would recommend just following his lead.

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I never had the ability to check ips on nadota I had to ask the greens

I’d recommend removing huber - he is a liability

Never have I ever posted somebody’s location, told others it was them on an account after discovering it (my ability to read people is more accurate than the moderators’ ip tools)

There are people on this very site whom you all would be shocked to know were posting and I told nobody.

My point is that careless moderators who aren’t thoughtful about their actions are a far greater danger to people’s personal info than I’ve ever been

Also for the record nma’s trolling

Having “experience” moderating NADota is like having “experience” driving a bus full of children off a bridge


Can we ban nmagane? He is reacting to all my posts with US Virgin Islands.

It’s a good bit

allahu akbar alightsoul