Who Stole Nma's Account: An Official Namafia Investigation

One was from interior of China

Still ocean Asian


Her name was Li Jian

But she went by Joanne

My juul is charging

Bout to be juuling indoors at work

Is a juul one of those things you stick in your ass

@SOPHIE awaiting your Asian Accountability Session results

@bees next

I was actually about to respond to that post

Juul pod size just seems small to me idk gonna smoke a few more packs of American spirits then quit for awhile

Awaiting your earnest responses in this thread

Vape inside my butt KEK

This one does not qualify

Here’s a quality post

@yns u got yellow fever? I can’t remember what happened to the last one u had

I’ve also contacted Kyle to invesitage, give me 7 hours

went back to china

in true nadota fashion

they’re just so fucking easy dude they literally message me first on tinder and always want to go out on dates

1st one went back to Korea 2nd one we broke off 3rd one back to china

Actually I made a mistake I’ve only dated 3 Asians 2 Chinese 1 Korean but I’m about to go on a date with another girl from China this Friday