Whos the MVP Day 2

20% chance if it’s random (In reality it’s not random which makes it less than 20%)

If this hits 5 for example, we lose.
@discobot roll 1d5

:game_die: 4

Can you explain why breadcrumbing isn’t the safest and possibly best solution as long as everyone follows along?

Clearly we win now that that roll was on our side.

  1. There’s no such thing as breadcrumbing
  2. It’s not a solution
  3. @discobot roll 1d5

:game_die: 4

How many rolls do I have to do?

They will simply not kill the cop. Just don’t argue this.

Rigged. Nma has rigged the game but we win so that’s ok with me

I think 5, right? On average?

@discobot roll 5d5

:game_die: 2, 5, 3, 2, 2

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Thoughts on me?

Thoughts on me?

You are suddenly very candid about this game.

Well you opened towny I believed, even for you, but I understood the miller role wrong and now I’m not sure if the gamble was worth it. You seemed really sus or trolling at that point. But after mulling it over I’m tending to side with you, against my usual nmagane judgement.

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Thanks a lot I really like you too.

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If cop is smart you’d cop Nmagane instead of me here. This would be the first time he’s read me wrong, and has a horrible reason for it, and I think it’s always +EV to cop/vigi Benny/Nmagane through experience. On top of that, Benny scumread Nmagane early, something I’ve never seen happen.

Your wrong