Why are you all so sensitive?

I'm going to get a card

Getting a real job


I'm in school bro

Dear student,

How are you doing? I wish you the best during these globally challenging times.

I would like to welcome you to this important class "Introduction to Islam and Culture." The class will address the religion and the culture of more than 1.8 Billion human beings. Feel free to send me any question you have before the class starts. I expect this to be an easy and engaging class.

I would like to bring to your attention another class I am also teaching this Fall called "Introduction to Global Studies"

This other class is the core required

Then maybe an internship

Any academic institution with instructors whom lead emails with dear student has my seal of approval

Where have you decided to receive your education

Community College! I'm old so my grants completely pay for it on top of the first generation student and IT workforce development scholarships I'm receiving and the veteran's benefit from both the federal government and state of Minnesota. I'll end this semester with about 12k in the bank

Jdance on that Ye.

Hanna transfer to the university of Minnesota Duluth in 1.5 years

Shut the fuck up moron

My GF decided on getting a master's

Nothing wrong with community college. I'm glad you didn't go for an online institution like you were thinking before. Fourth time's the charm, brother!

if you go to college try and stay out of debt, usury and compound interest aint nothing to fuck with.

Who are you dumb fuck moron !!

im refpsi.

Jdance is a community college ass motherfucker for sure lmfao

Got flowers, bath bombs, lotion, chapstick, facemasks, and a card

How about you get some money broke ass bitch

And 3 candles