Wintermute's Weekend Workshop


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Christmas should be quarantined until the month of December ty.

Why are you trying to ruin Christmas for me

I’ve noticed jdance has Christmas lights in his pictures from summer

great idea. working on this now

Can we work on that little issue from last night first

you said you resolved everything and second of all i didnt like what the project was on lol. youre proving something that is basically already proven, we’re already looking into submitting an issue for this theres not much else to be done

Because having Christmas 3-4 months a year sounds fucking horrible and already having it 2.5 months is horrible.

Your avatar is piss green like the Grinch

Your avatar is a faggot just like you

Insulting the gods lol

Make a plug-in that reduces this sites carbon footprint

thinking maybe it’s time to retire javascript entirely

doing the gods work

why would you drop the world’s strongest language

apologies for not connecting with whomever I said I would connect with this weekend

was a little busier with the schedule and all

Shut up, retard

Go away ewiz

You’re right but this is getting really old

Shut up, retard