Ill prob spend some time this week flushing out a few api calls and cleaning up the bot.
api repo is here:
Was gonna fork and try to push something today, are you gonna keep committing to Dev?
I’m prob not gonna touch it today.
I would look at the database strucutres in dynamodb or in the bot script to see how to query tables.
Only real functions I want are like get games. Get days of a game.
If people need other data be my guest
That’s awesome. How did you create a bot that runs on the site like that? Did you fork discobot or something? Pretty nice dude.
Rorqgok made it with hubot, Discourse-hubot-adapter and discourses builtin api
I’m happy to help, but I’m not sure how I could contribute to this
Just keep those milkers swinging
@ironstove instead of diving right into doing bot stuff i’d recommend maybe trying to just do some hubot on your side to get you started. like use discourse-hubot-adapter, make an account called stovebot and ill generate an API key for it, and then you can do something fun like use some hubot scripts to get a feel for things. would probably be fun
Please disable user ability to interact with mafiabot
For what possible reason
I can’t code still Tomorrow. I can resolve flags tho
Aite, I made stovebot, if you could msg me the user key and discourse server when you get a chance, I’ll tinker around with it later.
i just sent you the api key. the server address is, youre making get calls to site endpoints that return json and putting the username in the request as stovebot and the key as the key
(this page shows it in the first code example, but its a good resource to use for basically this whole thing)
i would recommend that instead of you using the api key i sent you right away you just set up dev discourse and basically make local calls
you can learn how to do that at this page or alternatively make fake api calls with postman to learn how to use it (also shown in that link)
if you need to set up dev discourse i linked some other resources in this category i think