Wish nadota was more like this


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History doesn’t Repeat

itself. People repeat

history. History is a

human production

(\__/) ||
(•ㅅ•) ||
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God made history

Not even sure how this was enough to drive a discussion. What even is history?

How does “People repeat history. History is a human production” support the claim that history doesn’t repeat itself?

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I’d say to most history is simply humanities great triumphs and atrocities. All of these can be traced back to intrinsic drives present in man. Would it not be more apt to say that history will always repeat itself BECAUSE it’s a human production?

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it doesnt, it just makes dumb people feel woke when they say shit like that

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Indeed. Frankly, I’m glad NAMafia.com isn’t like this. Vapid pseudo-intellectual drivel.

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i imagine this is u

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do you have some sort of language problem

Absolutely not, I’m a white English speaking male

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well subjects and objects etc

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Do you have some sort of brain problem? Are you incapable of separating history from being some object in the form of books lining library shelves and being a living expression of the human condition?

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alright full disclosure im pretty stoned and haven’t slept in a while

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Monolingual white anglophones are probably the largest population with a “language problem”

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ive played dota before that cant be true

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fuck off...im based.

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Its okay I have it too

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