Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations book commentary

okay. then the linguists and philosophers have found a better abstraction. thats progress.

Thanks for flagging my post @theGreatWingdingi

Respect the Sunday truce

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They created these concepts long before you were born. Do you see now why you shouldn't fucking talk about these things before you do any even cursory reading on them?

You didn't, as Nyte pointed out

okay lets try something else. you think metaphysical concept space as real. you classify "real" language as a thing/entity/collection/structure floating in metaphysical space. you think you can study metaphysical objects though philosophical methods. you think the empirical effects of language in practice follow from the metaphysics.

is this accurate at all?


god was also invented before i was born and i reject it outright.

people are easily confused.

Yes but they're saying the exact opposite of what you critiqued them for. This is why you need to stop talking about things you know nothing about.

@iaafr what did you say about hbotz again? Something about people constantly telling him he was smart?

You're welcome to flag my posts you think are personal attacks.

if what they are saying vibes with what i am saying then there is no issue. if my criticism is invalid and i didnt understand the philosophy then apparently i dont have a criticism. thats fine. then people are just doing linguistics. but i think wittgenstein is barking up the wrong tree.

More personal attacking. Very sad

That's because you clearly don't understand what he's saying or his project at large, given the notes/commentary you provided

okay. then theres no issue. i am merely misinterpreting it. maybe his larger work is valuable under my definitions. but it seems we have a disagreement where you do not accept the physical reduction or that "language is contained in the brain" and also think other philosophers wouldnt either. i think studying language without admitting that is dangerous and might lead you in the wrong direction. but maybe im wrong and everything they do is useful.

too much positive reinforcement for sounding smart

Ewiz has exactly the same issue except it's you giving him that reinforcement

Not meant as a personal attack but just constructive criticism.

anyway yeah hbotz is too high on his own shit imo for me to even wanna read anything he writes

its stuff that resembles possibly intelligent thoughts but theres a lot of guesswork, intuition, and wanting, and just completely idiosyncratic use of heavy words

hbotz sucks at it more so its more cringey