Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations book commentary

obv you probably disagree but thats how i feel

Hey, gonna post a citation that I'm wrong about HFs being designed to and functioning as minimal risk investments? Or will you just keep asserting I'm wrong despite all the citations I gave?

positively affirming someone who thinks it's OK to call others a "fucking dunce" in a casual conversation has got to be unwise and I can't be the only one that sees it

your priorities arent mine sry

Provide a fucking coherent argument for this that doesn't constantly contradict itself

Not asking them to be

But also yea u hate him because u hate urself and u should deal with that

i think its weird in the first place that i have to convince you language is located in the brain. where else can it be located? in metaphysical concept-space?

its rly not that simple

hes a lot worse than i ever was in this particular regard

asoul can u relax :'(

I wouldn't agree considering u typed out massive posts about lsd and seeing the universe and shit and he just wants to talk about philosophy on the internet

Great armchair psychology. Maybe I get frustrated because he fucking admits he doesn't know what he's talking about and then keeps talking about it without looking a single thing up

Wasn't addressed at you, chill

It's not a physical object. It can't be "located in the brain."

U ever drop acid hbotz? U ever smoked DMT?

just because it makes me somewhat hypocritical doesnt make me wrong

the amount you let yourself get riled up by ewiz and how personal you get with him is hypocritical too

okay. the only things that exist are physical objects. we have constructed an abstraction over brainstates and called it language.

what else is language?

Those posts were far more coherent and thought out than anything hbotz has ever posted


I'm aware