wonder what hogs is up 2

Can I be a broodstar friendslister?

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slight puff from juul


grats on the juul sponsorship yns you deserve it

I did some sleuthing and airhogs is definitely NOT online ATM

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don't really care, i like that more and hogs had worse taste in music than me anyway :dendismug:

Yeah that guy was an idiot

the hog hunt begins

takes a toke from the juul

i tried vaping for a week but it turned me into a faggot so i went back to cigs


vapers rise up :cloud: :cloud_with_lightning: :cloud_with_snow:

vaping :triumph: in bed :sleeping_bed: right now :100: :100: :100:

Jing can’t post here, the rabble rousers would get too upset as he identifies the cohesiveness of my arguments that the knuckle dragging morans here so easily dismiss and declare me as on of the greatest minds of the website

one thing i grieve about the loss of nadota is that it’s where i had my readily-stored kaptenrobert dick pic in my inbox

WinterDeep is private messaging me and if i had access to that i’d be spamming him with swedish bushes

I can send it over your way if u like :slight_smile:

Hey @SOPHIE wanna do something about this?

Edit: thanks!

So thats what the hog has been doing

Oh no a dick everyone calm the FUCK down we got this


Brood can u get the other nadotards from hipinion on here ty

That’s a pretty weird filter ona. Dick pic tho, big fan