world war 3 thread

I didn't mean it in a bad way. Just no use dwelling on when you're gonna die

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unless you sell life insurance

unless you're an actuary

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these comparisons are so dumb


compare market caps

i also get triggered the same way by contextless exchange rate quips


i know

It's a lame stat. Ruble's value went down about 10% this week.
Means nothing.

Way more than that


expected way worse tbh

get trolled

He's going to Poland and walking through I think. I'm driving him to airport Saturday. I can't go because unvaxed

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if you plan on fighting and dying why not get the tracking chip

my favourite thing people are doing since this conflict is simping SUPER hard for Chechens all of a sudden

I get they are an oppressed people and all but come the fuck on, they were as barbaric as ISIS

then they agreed to a white peace and had a brutal sadist become their leader

early 2020 moment: “Kadyrov said on instagram people without masks and not respecting lockdown should be executed. heckin based”

I hope you all have enjoyed your daily insom politics posts, see you tomorrow

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