world war 3 thread

You can keep quoting extremist outlets and the vocal minority on reddit, that has no real bearing on what I said.
Welcome to Extremism 101, have you taken the class on Islam yet?

USA today is some "newspaper" founded in the late 80s. LOL.
you might as well be literally linking r/transrights and going "look how crazy these people are!"

does anyone actually care about this weird twitter culture war shit in real life though? you should probably just try to block it out and enjoy your time on this earth.


He's been reading too much Neitzsche - be careful when you say stuff like that. He's gonna call you a "Last Man".

Ubermensch lifestyle: Consuming twitter wojaks all day

i am relatively concerned with the political stability of the united states because I live in a city that is within the first 20 places to be nuked.

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the favorite past time of both sides is just inventing people to get mad at. someone on my timeline that didn't go to college just made some post about "the state of free speech on campuses" or some shit the other day.

it's just noise. find someone nice to start a family with! you won't regret it.


If you don't have any issue with just outright lies of the most basic nature then more power to you I guess.

And as for him who lacks the courage to defend even his own soul: Let him not brag of his progressive views, boast of his status as an academician or a recognized artist, a distinguished citizen or general. Let him say to himself plainly: I am cattle, I am a coward, I seek only warmth and to eat my fill.

The problem here is that you're going to people and trying to convince them that their soul is under attack.
You can't be a coward if you're not under attack, or at least don't believe that you're under attack - courage is a conscious emotion, psychologically speaking. In fact at that point, YOU are the one attacking people's souls - rather than who is fully isolated and ignorant of what "the government" is trying to do to him.

Sorry I didn't structure that last sentence very well.

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To put it in other words: Why would I need to go out and fight if I'm in a bulletproof bunker? They will run out of bullets eventually.

Yes... the solution is a sort-of nihilistic NEETdom...

Not entirely - FrankGrimes put forth an equally valid solution - block it out and start a family, plus neither of these are inherently nihilistic in nature.
I am sure you can think of more answers to this problem too, I don't have all the answers.

I hope FrankGrimes has the money to put his child into private school so he has some say into what lies are put into his child's head.

I know that "block it out" is very very much easier said than done, but if you are motivated to do so there is very little that will stop you.

It is a curious question, how would you go about to raising a child in the current year? I certainly chose complete avoidance.
Would you home school your son?

You can move to place that isn't completely insane, home school, or pay for private school. I think there's a non-zero chance that the public school system can be completely dismantled in favor of some voucher-system or something soon.

Sounds pretty easy. I'm sure the Yukon (I think that's where he lives?) qualifies as "not insane".

no Canada is completely pozzed and gay.