Worst Part About the CoronaVirus Market Crash

going to go beat the fuck out of the servers at the local chinese restaraunt

The best thing about the virus is that if you are young and healthy, you can get super-cheap plane tickets and cruise deals right now. Cruise ships are even offering free drinks.

If you are willing to gamble with your life, go for it.

Real shit?

yeah the best thing about the coronavirus is consumerist mind control not continously houndign epedemiological journals and playing out exponential growth models in your head

can't wait to make it to mykonos

best part about coronavirus: the nassim nicolas taleb twitter

Wish they would announce where the three people with the virus are in my state so that I could work to spread it to those whose death would profit me

If anyone has any creative ways to Target Biden voters leave your ideas in this thread

holy fuck im such a PSUED XD



Only for you and Sunshine. Not just. U alone

And thus the talking heads begin to scream: BAILOUTS LOL

Someone's going to be mad if the usg doesn't cut me a check for 1k

Excited to get a masters in computer engineering


Did anyone else see the Epok Deleted Post on April 28th 2024? He mentioned how he was trying to optimize forum KPIs but deleted it probably after he realized that it wasn't in the moderator lounge.