WoW thread

Level 10 orc shaman in orgrimmar. Waitng for @jones to level.

anyone playing this on live? If so where/what faction. Thinking about playing for the weekend or something to just conk out on something

Iā€™m playing but Iā€™m still leveling my character is only 92

I got the free 110 on a mage but I have no idea how to play that shit

iā€™ll be playing bfa on live for a while, idk for how long though. on stormrage, alliance. also holey fukk that new cinematic they realized today.

frost was stupid easy this xpac, and pretty fast. kind of like playing twinkle twinkle little stars at 300 bpm

i just picked a random server leveling a horde paladin.,

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Thereā€™s quite a few NA dota people playing on Zulā€™Jin horde in bfa

im on eu

cant wait to fulfill my role as a mark and resubsrcibe


I canā€™t believe i have to do all this shit on my garbage ass druid

can we get a group on a vanilla serveur

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@Jones , @anon75925521, @Kaptenrobert, and I play on Northdale (lightshope) You can join :)

We also play with Nyte (on @jones acc)

Letā€™s just wait for the real release imo

I am not paying for WoW. My parents have paid $300 in membership fees from my brother and I playing it through middle school and junior high.

iā€™m going to be playing official with a bunch of people, nadota ppl will be welcome too

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id roll on northdale if i didnt have to level through durotar for the 40th time

just play undead

i prob wanna play hunter or shaman v_V

i could do the run to silverpine shit but idk iā€™ll prob just suck it up