Yellow Submarine

morons. The argument for the "better life migrants" is the result of low TFR westoids and welfare states built on an ever expanding ponzi scheme: economists factor that the migrants (who migrate at working age and thus the state has no investment) fund the welfare state, but they just gloss over the fact that A) their families will be net negatives B) their descendants will 100% be net negatives. They're either academic-woke/stupid and don't understand this or bad-faith crypto-libertarians who think that populating the state with human filth will accelerate the destruction of the welfare state.

Osiris? he just wants to destroy the welfare state by populating Alabama with hundreds of thousands of guatemalans and their families. Those hard-working people seeking a better life? Put them in Huntsville, AL.

You are immature.

i have paperwork to do and IM NOT DOING IT!!!!

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Immature little bitch who is afraid of paperwork says what??

it's hilarious reading shit about "rescue" -- if I was designing this sub I would if someone goes wrong I'd just say fuck it you're dead.

the sub explodes? yeah I'm not spending money in case that happens LMAO who do you think I am the federal government

Grow up and glow up kiddo

i have a mon-fri workweek bud

living for the weekend

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I have a monday-monday work week bud

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u dont understand how bad my paperwork is

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@big_ass change my title to Spiderman and stop being manic and choose an actually funny name

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boston is literally a dead city

theres actually nothing here anymore its insane

im not saying nothing to do or whatever im sure theres plenty i just dont think real people actually live within the boston city limits anymore, everyone is either some faggy college kid or some faggy finance bro or some faggy tech guy its like if you condensed all the gay of los angeles into a tenth of the size

i give it 20 years before its "45%" mexican/latin american

he's prepping himself to embrace the poly lifestyle, that's all it is.

He needs to fucking grow up.