YNS makes fewer dollars than me with a higher tax rate

Get me an Iowa position so I can move with my gf

Iowa is not in the south

I'm not leaving a 3 hour radius of my gf

Just cheat bro

Kkat if I try super hard at this job they'll just schedule me for closing which entails staying 2 hours after close cleaning shit for minimum wage. 2 hours I should be studying

What's minwage in mn



I make 20 an hour with tips. I just need enough money for food gas rent ($300) and student loan payments

I'm holding onto my 6 figure position a little longer than I'd planned


I'll pay you to pay off my student loans

Gonna need some figures

What is seven grand to someone who doesn't need it anyway

I definitely do need it

I'll pay u back bro :facepunch: :joy_cat:

Pay me back in rape allegations

One rape allegation per dollar

Okay I'll do it

Payment first