You dont wanna see they donation list

Ssf btw

Make sure to mention that so people know you’re really hardcore. Ssf is a joke tho just play a sunmoner lul

99th percentile GED score?

Also diamond 1 in league in season 3 ( my first season )

i don’t really have any skills

6.8K dota mmr
D1 league
75 rank season 1 OW
Legend HS
R1 gwent
wow gladiator/rank 40 pve raider

We are good gamers

How’s your real life

A solid 4/10

Gotta raise that to a 99/100

whats wrong with ur life br o

He can’t empathize with others. They don’t understand him

They care about different things than him

Realizing everyone on this site is more skilled than you and their skills are more valuable


thing u misunderstand about skill is there are millions of things you can increase your skill in, and nobody got time to master everything.

so pick one and keep going your gonna be better than most as long as you stay committed. You may not be the best but when they ask if you got skills you gonna have them.

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R1 Gwent?

You can really do anything and be interested in it and it will make you a more interesting person as long as it’s not some nerdy computer shit

Go out and collect rocks and people will be interested in it.

Nuh uh. Not me
