Zelenskyy calls on world leaders to react to video of murder of Ukrainian prisoner of war

Unemployment is at the lowest rate it has been in 50 years

Because they cant afford to move out even with a job (this is an actual real world problem that exists and could be solved by legislation, but will never happen because too many people make money in the real estate business)

People that will work for less money but recognize that even though they make less money working for you its better than the shit hole they came from

My kids don't fuck off, they out in work during practice and at home and carry the team on their backs most games. My 10 year old playing 2 years up with my 12 year old cause she out works 90% of the players.

They read 10-15 books a week cause they love it. Top students in their grades. My son isnt the best as the girls but hey cant win em all.

Good for them just dont let them on tiktok

Something that bothers me is when people say "this shit doesnt happen in my country" "the people here are soft"

Like okay then. Why did you move here and why dont you move back?

My wife dont let them watch much of anyhing let alone tik tok. They dont have phones either.

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I don't say it. USA is the land of opportunity, in most cases you get what you deserve and cant say it about many countries in the world.

I just hope it stays that way, and people dont lose the sight of God so we dont get another Sodom Gomorrah

I hope that at some point we see giving kids social media as akin to giving them drugs or alcohol

Its really fucking damaging

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Me when faz posts another tiktok

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2nd Amendment is to protect the people against tyrannical government. So yeah I think people should have semi automatic rifles

Hmm lets see drones vs semi automatics

The 2nd amendment was for the right to protect yourself from a tyrannical government as applicable in the 1800s

I didnt watch your tiktok but let me assure you that its sensationalized

until i can purchase a zpu on facebook marketplace and mount it on a hilux as a civilian the free market has failed

czech t72's are only $500,000

laugh if you want things like this are drone killers and cost pennies to the dollar for drone parts and munitions

I stand corrected.

you're missing the point

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

this is back when they were afraid the federal goverment would bully states with a standing army (reason why a standing army didn't exist until after ww2). you couldnt stop a regiment from breaking into your house and looting everything you own while making off with your son and wife back then anymore than you could now