Unemployment is at the lowest rate it has been in 50 years
Because they cant afford to move out even with a job (this is an actual real world problem that exists and could be solved by legislation, but will never happen because too many people make money in the real estate business)
People that will work for less money but recognize that even though they make less money working for you its better than the shit hole they came from
My kids don't fuck off, they out in work during practice and at home and carry the team on their backs most games. My 10 year old playing 2 years up with my 12 year old cause she out works 90% of the players.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
this is back when they were afraid the federal goverment would bully states with a standing army (reason why a standing army didn't exist until after ww2). you couldnt stop a regiment from breaking into your house and looting everything you own while making off with your son and wife back then anymore than you could now