wtf is this guy talking about
Deny Attack Reverse Victim and Offender
the osiris playbook
i spend time with my friend and cook and clean up after myself is not a big own here jones
i spend time with my friend -- i live with another man who's not blood related to me
Isn't DARVO a paradox fallacy?
i mean your go to is to spurge attention seeking stories and then request to have the thread deleted because you couldn't control yourself
i spent time with my friend -- im a 35 year old man living with some random guy who's also 35 years old
this is a really good discussion i will continue it in the homeowner's lounge thread
do you guys share the same bong
you dont really own a home if you're sharing it with some rando off the street you call a roommate LMAO
yeah, I'm a homeowner -- I share a 1ba with my 35 year old male roommate. No, we don't intend to spend the rest of our lives together.
the perks of not being an insufferable cunt
Whatever Jordan Peterson says in this video - he's wrong.
osiris is such a moron he brought the barracks lifestyle to the suburbs
there's even a guest bedroom you can stay in when you get your 'car' fixed
post your cabinetry and I'll consider it
it's only a twin bed though so not sure if the girl can come with you