11 PM Mafia

It is known

The classic

jdance is town

also lets vote him out

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@mafiabot vote @iaafr

@mafiabot vote @nyte

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
sophie 2 SOPHIE, LuckyArtist
jdance 1 Gamut
krazykat 1 bazingaboy
nyte 1 jdance
gamut 1 kyle
luckyartist 1 KrazyKat
bazingaboy 1 Nyte

Not Voting

ian, insom, kat,

Alive Players - 11

Majority Vote - 6


Cryptocurrencies have taught me that it is lucrative to hold a conviction. I will die with this vote

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oh ok 10 hours


Will move it when he says why he sussed me, until then his play looks like exactly the same as last game

who? i missed this context

Sussed me, voted me right after you and left

Short iaafr and epok

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I'm tall

I'm a hyena

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With a nose for scum

Why is he town tho


catches your scent

follows you back to mafialand

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Jdance usually never tries at all unless he rolls scum. He is putting the minimal effort that he could be.

Either that or shits getting to him and that's why he's hyperactive