2019 Acceptance Criteria

Our players are gonna look like Nascar drivers with head to toe autism gear with shit like penzoil on it

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That’s fine we can get both Red Bull and monster energy to sponsor

Can you guys sponsor me to play diabotical when it comes out in 2024?

lifehack to figure out if a thread isnt funny


Lifehack to figure out if a thread IS funny:


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also we DEFINITELY should have 2018 awards dont make this mistake Daniel

the site came up like after June or something but yeah it would be fun. I wish we had all the other 2018 posts here

I will nominate birthday house for nmagane as Best Thread, and myself as Worst poster and Biggest Commie.

I hope asoul kills himself.

Who do we vote as gayest poster 2k18

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i guess friend or prb?

Girlpool honorary gay?

Prb is pretty gay that’s true

It’s ewiz - he is the only one that’s constantly posting about other guys having sex (jdance)

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I think this only works if the moderators/admins have no way of figuring out who it is

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Hoping MY president hits that big red button and no one has to worry bout shit anymore

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I have a way to do it btw but I am “building” “something” first

And by that I mean I just play video games all day and do nothing productive

2018 was a hard year for my family. Hope 2019 is better.

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Last year was a son of a bitch for nearly everyone I know